Summer Patch ranks as the #1 disease threat faced by Central Nebraska lawns. In its early stages, this fungal infection is often mistaken for a lack of water. As the infection matures and spreads, it will resemble damage caused by White Grubs.
Proper cultural practices (See the Mowing and Watering Guides on the Lawn Tips page) are considered to be the best prevention for Summer Patch, however, once an infection occurs, timely diagnosis and treatment with a fungicide are critical.
White Grubs are among the most damaging species of insect pests we see in Nebraska. When present in large numbers, they can destroy large areas of turf in a very short time.
Early signs of grub infestations are often confused with a lack of water or the presence of a disease. Control of White Grubs can be accomplished either preventively or curatively. Click here for more information on treatment options.